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About the Issues/Bugs category
Unable to locate some elements in iOS (same elements can be found via Calabash)
Drag and Drop don't reach the exact destination
Appium driver is fetching different url than current page url when i switched from native to webview context in iOS appium
iOS :Got an unexpected response accessing NATIVE popup window
Issue with inspector and TextInputLayout
WebDriverException: Message: Method is not implemented
@iOSXCUITFindBy Annotations don't work but the same code works when I use driver.findElement(By.accessibilityid) or even xpath
I was facing the below issue, pls help me out
How to start uiautomatorviewer in cmd?
Error wherror while obtaining ui hierarchy xml file: com.android.ddmlib.syncexception: remote object doesn't exist!
Appium mobile browser chrome 72 Issue
Location of elements on Hybrid App
Apk not found error on Mac Mojave
An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters
Appium automation query on selecting book from the list
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Connection refused: connect
Error findElementById
Location attribute in Android occasionally / randomly incorrect
NoSuchElementError from appium response when the element is visible and exist
Run app in background command executed twice when putting the app in background for more than 120 seconds
Error in running Appium script
When data is loading from remote, showing status 7 in appium
Can't run tests unless I restart io.appium.settings
Getting Error While Launching Appium server Pragmatically but it getting started Manual hitting the command
Cannot click the delete button after swiping to left in ios
With Appium 1.6.3 : BootStrap Socket Crashed execution encountered when Adb Command is sent manually or via code
Unable to identify object
PageFactory with MobileElement throws Exception with AppiumDriver and java-client 3.3.0
Pagefactory initelements() method is giving error while initializing WindowsFindBy elements
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