Hi all.
I use the following code to implement drag and drop.
action = TouchAction(myDriver)
action.long_press(x=startX, y=startY).move_to(x=endX, y=endY).release().perform()
But, the target element don’t reach to the coordinate(endX, endY).
The element stops just before the destination.
The moving distance is short a little.
I tried the following code
action.press(x=startX, y=startY).move_to(x=endX, y=endY).release().perform()
This code acts exactly as I expect as for the position of element.
But, it performs immediate moving not as usual drag and drop.
I need exact drag and drop for my test.
Please help me.
Appium Version : 1.10.0
Target platform: Android(Simulator)
Language: Python
OS: Windows7