hii, when i try to open uiautomatorviewer in command prompt, its showing the below error! even though i have installed jdk in my system.anroid|690x265
@vk you have 2 options:
@Aleksei hi, thank you I tried both the options,but none of them worked
@vk you “tried it wrong” both should work. otherwise you did something wrong. for example was you able to find “uiautomatorviewer.bat” in android tools folder?
@Aleksei yes,uiatomatorviewer is available in C:\Users\vk\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools\bin,then i created a shortcut in desktop and even added the path in environment variables…
@vk but when you click on this bat nothing started? did you installed JDK ? http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html - choose windows x64.
@Aleksei yes jdk is installed, when i click on that bat file its showing error stating windows cannot find make sure u typed the name correctly.As, iam following this link for appium installation"http://www.automationtestinghub.com/setup-android-environment-variables/"
@vk well you need investigate more yourself… what problem is with your system
@Aleksei ok sure, Thank you for your quick response …
@vk one moment. when you did change in system. restart your console prompt. just close and start again to grab changes you made.
@Aleksei ok sure, thankyou
This worked for me… thanks
Unable to start uiautomatorviewer on Ubuntu machine. Need a solution and even it says android command is depreciated
First go to Android SDK folder and find the uiautomatorviewer in tools/bin directory.
If you do not find tools folder you have to install it usind sdkmanager command because android command is depricated
follow this to install