Please check appium logs displayed. Tried with name, id and xpath locators, unable to identify. In another collegue system it is fetching with same code.
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got data from client: {“cmd”:“action”,“action”:“find”,“params”:{“strategy”:“name”,“selector”:“Yes”,“context”:"",“multiple”:false}}
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command of type ACTION
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command action: find
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Finding Yes using NAME with the contextId: multiple: false
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Using: UiSelector[DESCRIPTION=Yes, INSTANCE=0]
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Using: UiSelector[TEXT=Yes, INSTANCE=0]
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Failed to locate element. Clearing Accessibility cache and retrying.
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Finding Yes using NAME with the contextId: multiple: false
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Using: UiSelector[DESCRIPTION=Yes, INSTANCE=0]
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Using: UiSelector[TEXT=Yes, INSTANCE=0]
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Returning result: {“status”:7,“value”:“No element found”}
info: [debug] Condition unmet after 609ms. Timing out.
info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {“status”:7,“value”:{“message”:“An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.”,“origValue”:“No element found”},“sessionId”:“a20fd9b7-3a20-4efa-8d07-57a38f92d9fb”}
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session/a20fd9b7-3a20-4efa-8d07-57a38f92d9fb/element 500 610.342 ms - 195