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How to run appium for real iOS Devices
App open google browser
Toast can't recorded on the screen
UIAutomator is showing Visible false even when element is displayed in screen iOS
Not able to fill in XCUIElementTypeSearchField
Clicking on webview element executed but nothing happens (iOS Hybrid Application)
Issue with swiping/scrolling in appium 1.6.4
Getlocation of a element in hybrid app returns wrong coordinates
TouchAction for swipe is not working in iOS
Trying to install new app on emulator but appium server shows below logs.can you please help
Pop up of iOS permissions in XCuiTest on Real devices Help!
An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters even though that elements existing on the page in java code
Unable to get page source of an activity using driver.getPageSource()
WebDriverAgentRunner: Failed to run tests: Timed out trying to establish connection to IDE
Appium Inspector not able to Recognize a Screen
TouchActions action throw exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver cannot be cast to org.openqa.selenium.interactions.HasTouchScreen
Use scrollIntoView with Xpath
Unable to find child elements of UIATableCell using iOS UIAutomation
How to identify/inspect custom native android shift controls & background colors in canvas
Inspector error
Appium Server just stops looking for element
Android on appium 1.6: 'Incorrect package and activity.' error
Unable to select gallery image using appium
Timeout occurs when killing/changing wifi network of iOS device if tests started on the same network
Appium Issues ..work with Appium 1.10,scripts are not working with Android 8 version
Unable to call out a method using Page Object
How to get text of element
Question for BrowserStack/SauceLabs users
IOS 12.1 run with appium
The button can be found but no response after click or tap in Android
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