hi all,
share solution to start work appium with latest xcode 8.0 and simulator 10.0 that worked for me.
1) install xCode 8.0 and run it manually. Accept agreement.
2) update appium to 'npm install -g appium@1.6.0-beta1'
3) run needed simulator manually (sometimes it is needed)
4) reboot machine (just for sure)
5) install carthage package:
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent
brew install carthage
./Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d
Now simulator stops rebooting in loop on driver start.
- for sure way i am starting appium:
appium --log-level error --port 4724 --command-timeout 120 --session-override
Capabilities [{app=/Users/Aleksei/Downloads/test_clients/my.app, noReset=true, newCommandTimeout=120, platformVersion=10.0, automationName=Appium, browserName=, waitForAppScript=$.delay(3000); $.acceptAlert(); true;, version=, deviceName=iPhone 6s, fullReset=false, platform=MAC}]