Hi Appium Dev team,
I have a suggestion about improving the performance or reducing the time of input using the sendKeys() function. There are lots of issues post are coming in this forum for sendKeys() function.
From what i understand the behavior of sendKeys() function is, It takes the parameter passed in it and sends the text over the adb shell (I'm not sure if that way it's happening?)
adb shell input text "parameter"
My idea is that rather then sending the data to the input field directly
1. Copy the data in clipboard of the device.
2. Now paste the data from clipboard.
If it's possible to achieve this, the length of the string would be irrelevant (i hope).
While I'm working on doing this using Java, I request everyone to give your thoughts on this idea.
@jonahss @Hassan_Radi @bootstraponline @jlipps @SergeyTichomirov please look into this if it's feasible.