Hello Team,
We have been using Appium for our native app automation testing. Now we have to work on Xamarin based applications (I learnt that the applications designed in xamarin are based out of C#). I have tried autoamting iOS application designed based on Xamarin.and its working good as of now.
Now I want to know that
1. Can we assume the same element structure that is available in IOS and android are same??
Because, if the element structure is same then we can possibly reduce the effort spent on the devices would drastically changes.
2. Is appium supports for parallel execution (i.e run the same tests on One android device and one iOS device parlallely) if the answer is "yes" then how do we achieve(Please provide at least the link where i have solution to read) If the answer is "no" then can we execute only Android parallel execution and iOS parallel execution(can't implement in one machine, need to use Selenium grid using two different machines since mac does not support more than one instance of)one after the another.