Hallo everybody,
i'm newbie with appium. i'm using appium for testing mobile browser (Android and iOS) and appium works fine on my mac mini. i'm using one script with python for parallel testing. At this moment this script can test 2 Android devices and 1 iOS device. The test is only opening the URL on mobile browser. Now i want to integrate it with Jenkins. I'm using Jenkins slave to connect with my mac mini and i can run my script from Jenkins (Execute shell) with this command: python name_of_the_script.py
The Problem: althoug only one script is used, but each device needs the terminal for starting the server (1 terminal for android and 2 Terminal for iOS). can all of the server be started from Jenkins? Beacuse if i type appium (Execute shell), appium command is not found. But if i still use terminal for starting the server, the console output will always show "blue" symbol. Even the test from one or all of devices is failing.
Does anybody have a similiar issue or solution for me?thanks!