Appium : 1.9.1
Xcode : 10.1
Pom dependencies :
import io.appium.java_client.TouchAction;
import io.appium.java_client.touch.WaitOptions;
import io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption;
public class Swipe {
// This method will get called in all the swipe methods because appium has depricated the swipe method in appium 1.9.1
public static void swipe(int fromX,int fromY,int toX,int toY) {
TouchAction action = new TouchAction(driver);,fromY))
.waitAction(new WaitOptions().withDuration(Duration.ofMillis(600))) //you can change wait durations as per your requirement
.moveTo(PointOption.point(toX, toY))
public void swipeDown(int pixelsToSwipe) {
try {
Point value = null;
value = driver.findElement("elementId")).getLocation();
int x = value.x;
int y = value.y;
int y1 = value.y+pixelsToSwipe;
} catch(Exception e) {
public void swipeUp(int pixelsToSwipe) {
try {
Point value = null;
value = driver.findElement("elementId")).getLocation();
int x = value.x;
int y = value.y;
int y1 = value.y+pixelsToSwipe;
swipe(x, y, x, y1);
} catch(Exception e) {
public void swipeRight(int pixelsToSwipe) {
try {
Point value = null;
value = driver.findElement("elementId")).getLocation();
int x = value.x;
int y = value.y;
int x1 = value.x+pixelsToSwipe;
swipe(x, y, x1, y);
} catch(Exception e) {
public void swipeLeft(int pixelsToSwipe) {
try {
Point value = null;
value = driver.findElement("elementId")).getLocation();
int x = value.x;
int y = value.y;
int x1 = value.x-pixelsToSwipe;
swipe(x, y, x1, y);
} catch(Exception e) {
//This will help you from one element to another element
public void swipeFromTo(int pixelsToSwipe) {
try {
Point from = null;
Point to = null;
from = driver.findElement("elementId")).getLocation();
to = driver.findElement("elementId")).getLocation();
int x = fromElement.x;
int y = fromElement.y;
int x1 = toElement.x;
int y1 = toElement.y;
swipe(x, y, x1, y1);
} catch(Exception e) {