## Automating hybrid apps
One of the core principles of Appium is that you shouldn't have to change
your app to test it. In line with that methodology, it is possible to test
hybrid web apps (e.g., the [UIAWebView](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/ToolsLanguages/Reference/UIAWebViewClassReference/)
elements in an iOS app) the same way
you can with Selenium for web apps. There is a bit of technical complexity
required so that Appium knows whether you want to automate the native aspects
of the app or the web views, but thankfully, we can stay within the
WebDriver protocol for everything.
Here are the steps required to talk to a web view in your Appium test:
1. Navigate to a portion of your app where a web view is active
1. Call [GET session/:sessionId/contexts](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/spec-draft.md?repo=mobile)
1. This returns a list of contexts we can access, like 'NATIVE_APP' or 'WEBVIEW_1'
1. Call [POST session/:sessionId/context](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/spec-draft.md?repo=mobile)
with the id of the context you want to access
1. (This puts your Appium session into a mode where all commands are
interpreted as being intended for automating the web view,
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