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Appium unicode string is not working with webelement.sendkey
Element not Found exception in aws device form but in local i can able to run my scripts
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/websocket/DeploymentException
Scroll To / Swipe Action in iOS 8
Unable to select value from numberpicker Android
Unable to find elements in page after setting time with native Android time picker
Process crashed while executing startServer - Please Help!
Appium 1.9.1 issues setting location on Android Device
Able to locate element in Appium but Unable to locate element while execution
Connection Problem with devices when using an USB hub
Unable to record video using startRecordingOption
Testing Failed when build using Xcode build command or appium
If i run another set of non-android tests using selenium grid also everything works as well
Screenshot] Unsupported protocol: 2 =UIAUTOMATATOR
I am getting error WebDriverException and ‘TextField' is not visible on the screen and thus is not interactable" while passing text second time
Appium is not responding while executing program
Not able to generate apk file at gradlew step - Java + Kotlin project
Can't get appium server logs on iOS
Unable to start WebDriverAgent session because of xcodebuild failure
Unable to launch WebDriverAgent
How to swipe with java client 5.0.3 IOS?
How to disable the soft keys menu in android while running automation?
Failed to load values and names for elements on iOS
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement
Unable to start Appium server
How do I fix on appium server?
Unable to toggle on and off location service using Appium
APPIUM Android - Getting error message when runing test :Could not proxy command to remote server. Original error: Error: read ECONNRESET
Need help with POM Appium/Java framework - initializing elements
Page elements do not refresh after scrolling
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