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Getting blank screen on Appium Desktop
Element could not be located on the page using given search parameters
For IOS : Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement
Sendkeys not working while entering hint text
Unable to detect web elements in iPad by name or id after upgrading the appium from 1.7.2 to 1.10.0
Can't start appium test cause different simulator device ID between Jenkins and terminal
Error running the test on the actual cell phone layout with the galen framework
Unable to tap on Search on android keyboard using pressKeyCode(int) method
Button doesnt click locator issue
Page method failing for specific screen/device
How to update app and keep data?
Bad app appium ios after updating to v1.10.0
InvalidSelectorException: Message: Locator Strategy 'css selector' is not supported for this session
Appium send keys sends wrong text
How to double tap on an element in appium java for android
Unable to inspect elements on android mobile appliction using ui automator viewer
Unable to launch the application
Search on the default android keyboard does not work with Appium 1.10
Wait.until for invisibility of element located is not working consistently
Appium server cannot start on certain Wifi network
Appium inspector visible property showing as "false" even though element is dispalyed
Android bootstrap socket crashed
After i updated to Appium 1.10, i'am not able to trigger app through script/Eclipse
Unable to execute group of unique appium tests in two sibling VMs running on a same host
Scrolling to particular element is not happening in android using python
When execute ruuner class as junit test i got following error message any one give help me
Else condition not working
Find element by accessibility_id is throwing no such element
Appium scripts are working fine in local environment but when we deploy the same on AWS device farm script is not able to identify the elements
[Resolved] Kill application in real devices. App is already running
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