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Appium+Cucumber+TestNG how to make iOS real devices parallel Execute
Connect iOS device through wifi
Can Appium supports Finger, Face and Voice scan for authentication in native app? I am working for an app where Push Notification, Finger, Face and Voice Authentications are used to verify the login. Please suggest can we automate it through appium?
Screen Navigation Performance tool for Android application
Mobile app or mobile website detection of Appium being used?
Does appium support uploading file from icloud/google drive?
How to Automate Windows Phone 8.1
Appium - Force touch Support on iOS and android devices
[iOS9 UIAutomation] What is Appium approach to UIAutomation deprecation by Apple
LOcating elelments
WinAppDriver - reusing existing open programs instead of opening a new one
Appium 1.5.3 GUI on Windows
Check whether Image on ImageView is present or not
Appium Automation Development from Remote locations. How?
Windows Mobile Support For Appium
Support for Windows 8.1
Is there any alternative for ScrollTo() and ScrollToExact()
Swipe screen until element found - Need function / logic
Support for the React Native Mobile Applications
Appium 1.0.0 beta5 locator option is missing
Running multiple test cases on Appium Selenium Eclipse is giving error
How to enable UI Automation in iPhone 6s
Appium inspecter
Can we have Xpath Validator similar to Inspector Tool?
I have one textbox in whole suite where, It works only when I disable Hardware>Connect Hardware Keyboard manually while executing test. Otherwise I could not sendkeys to the textbox. Need help
Appium-Python-Client Python 3 support
Appium GUI Version 1.5.3
Appium for iOS to have these changes for multiple simulator/app support?
Not able enter text in Pop window in simulator 10.1
[SOLVED] Native XCUITest selection strategy
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