I am using Java. It is actually crashing before I can ever get to the point where I would be able to set an implicit wait. Like I said in my last post, it crashes on the line:
driver = new IOSDriver(urlAddress, capabilities);
Since it crashes here, I am never able to create the driver to use it in any way.
This leads me to believe if it is an issue relating to my code, it must be a capability or url issue.
I have now tried with the xcuitest driver 1.0.1 using the webdriveragent you suggested from installing webdriver agent. This gave me an error similar to my very first post except it was "xcodebuild failed with code 70 instead of 65." I also tried 1.0.1 xcuitest with the webdriveragent from 1.0.0 and got the same error from my last post:
info JSONWP Proxy Got response with status 200: {"value":"Interrupting test","sessionId":null,"status":13}
It seems like there is something going on with the new webdriveragent, however, it also seems like there is something else going on here which is causing the crash.
@jonahss Do you have any ideas? I would really appreciate it, this is a major blocker on my current project.