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How to update .app/.apk file to all appium server in selenium grid
Example of a simple Javascript set up for iOS testing
Anybody have experience with FBSimulatorControl?
Create a set of tests in Maven project and execude them
Andoid Appium coding examples
switchTo WebView in Hybrid iOS app
Get app version from simulator
Inconsistently getting Activity never started
Passing in noSign=true into customserver flags
execute_script host commands - SOLVED
Coding approach in Appium
New to Appium & testing
Using Appium with Gulp
Multiple appium processes question - SOLVED
How to fix - Target failed to run: Permission to debug com.igate.cloud was denied. The app must be signed with a development identity (e.g. iOS Developer) in Real device
How to using multiple moveTo with TouchAction
Clicking on an intent url(non http link) inside a webview - SOLVED
Does Appium supports GUI testing?
Basics: Getting started with Appium for iOS and Android devices
Appium for ios apps
How to launch safari browser while running another application?
Puzzled! How to interact with a webpage in chrome browser (android device)?
When will the Tutorials and Documentation be updated?
Whats the difference between AppiumDriver vs RemoteWebdriver vs iOSdriver
A New Way to Use Appium/Selenium with Real Devices on Cloud
Looking for Android Native example using device
How to write test cases in eclipse for iOS APP
Setting up Appium for Android testing with JS
AngularJS test for mobile browsers
One click installation script for mobile automation environment setup [osx_mobileautomation_setup]
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