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Now no need to provide app package,activity details
Java-client version 3.2.0 released
Vote for Appium in the DeveloperWeek awards contest
NET client released
Appium 1.4.11 Released
Uploading apk & ipa to Sauce Labs cloud
Anyone from Appium Attending GTAC in Boston, MA
Whats expected date for Appium 1.5
Applause Automation Engineer
Sr. Manager, Automation Practice (Austin, TX)
NET client released
.NET client released
Appium 1.4.0-beta Release
Taking Appium to the enterprise
Appium version 1.4.8 released
Appium Boston users group
Cross platform mobile automation framework (Joyride) built from appium is released
C# client updated
Java-client 3.0.0 released
Java-client 2.2.0 released
Discounted tickets to jQuerySF 2015
Appium folks at WWDC
Appium Ruby Bindings (appium_lib) v7.0.0 Released
How many users are currently taking advantage of Appium today?
Appium 1.3.7 Release
Appium 1.3.6 Release
Tap on search Bar in android with appium is not working
Discourse updated to 1.2.0.beta6
QA Mobile Automation Tester in Beaverton, OR
Appium still for Apps?
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